Art at the Heart, the Royal United Hospital’s charitably funded arts organisation were nominated by B&NES council to submit their Bath War Hospital “Acts of Kindness” project to the WW1 Remembered Awards.
This exhibition funded by the Heritage Lottery: 1st World War ‘Then and Now’ Fund (HLF) reflected the day-to-day life at the Bath War Hospital and was an opportunity to explore the concept of compassionate community support; drawing upon the comfort that this brought to recovering soldiers as well as gaining insight into how such relationships support recovery and wellbeing.
The exhibition has been showcased in the RUH Central Gallery revealing how “small acts of kindness” from the community helped to support the operation of the hospital. You can now view the evaluation film on the Bath War Hospital Exhibition via
Art at the Heart have been selected as finalists in the Arts & Creativity category and the Awards take place in November in London.